For many, many years, HRHS has manually entered name information into various databases. From a variety of historical sources, names and key events of individuals continue to be indexed to make a search for a relative or ancestor easier to find.
These names and the source are also compiled into a master database to facilitate lookup. When a name is found, the source of the material is referenced for detailed information. This 'master' database is located on the Genealogy library computer. Some of the data is on this website. Try it !
In addition to names, a database of "Places" can be searched. This contains locations that may no longer exist and the old names for places. If you are looking for a place in Rockingham, it may show up here
And, a database of "Historic Newspapers" can be searched. This is a list of the HRHS digital newspaper collection. This search will tell you if a PDF image of a paper is on the HRHS library computer.
General Lee's favorite horse "Traveller" died soon after his master in 1871. Some years later he was disinterred and preserved. Traveller was on display in various locations and finally was placed in the basement museum of the Lee Chapel in Lexington, Va. After being there 30 years, in 1971 he was finally buried next to the Lee family crypt in the Lee Chapel at Washington & Lee University.
(Since Feb 2011)
(2,150 visitors in 2011)
(2,070 visitors in 2012)