You are going to the town of Dayton, just south of Harrisonburg. Take I-81 to Harrisonburg Exit 245. Turn west (left if you have been traveling north, right if you have been traveling south on I-81) onto Port Republic Road. Proceed straight through intersection with South Main Street (or Route 11), at which point the road you are traveling on changes its name from Port Republic Road to Maryland Avenue. At the next intersection (with South High Street, or Route 42), turn left onto Route 42. Travel 3.3 miles, leaving Harrisonburg and passing the Wal-mart shopping center, and turn right onto Eberly Road (Route 732) at the stop light. (Be alert to Horse and Buggies traveling in this area!) One quarter mile along Eberly Road, stop at a three-way intersection, turn left over the one lane bridge onto College Street, then immediately turn right onto Bowman Road. Make a quick left onto High Street. The Historical Society is on your left with ample parking.
For those using a GPS, the address is - 382 High Street, Dayton, VA.
Latitude: 38° 25' 10" - Longitude: 78° 56' 25"
There are a number of ways to reach Dayton from I-81. The directions above will accommodate most travelers.