Volunteers are the life blood of the Society. These are the persons that do everything. Mow the grass, greet patrons, help in the genealogy library, organize events, lead and serve on committees, participate on the board of directors, type the information into our databases, raise funds, document the collections, build the exhibits, paint, clean, and on and on. They work for their love of preserving history for others, most of them after many years, stop coming, they receive no glory, they are satisfied to have helped, and after time has passed are forgotten as individuals but remembered for the work they have accomplished. It is they that have supported the Society and kept it alive.
Money pays the utilities, the repairs, the advertising, the employees, and on and on.
The modest cost of membership not only includes benefits to you, a portion of it pays for operating expenses. Become a member.
The small entrance fee is another donation.
Large donations in conjunction with many other givers have built the structures that house all the services that the Society provides. The exhibits, the lectures, the library, the collection, the archives, and many other preservation activities rely on these facilities.
Monetary gifts that are invested as Endowments to provide income from earnings are critical to the Society. When you read this - seriously consider a "Gift that keeps on Giving" as the saying goes. See your attorney and add HRHS to your estate planning. This is what preserves the Society for the future !