(These are held at the Museum unless otherwise noted. Lectures are free, check with the museum for cost of other programs)
“Big Bits of Dayton History”.
This is the current Featured Exhibit.
Also on exhibit "The Apples of Rockingham."
View several of the significant artifacts from Dayton's history that relate some of the important factors that have influenced the character of the Town of Dayton.
The actual printing press that provided most of the many publications printed in Dayton over the years. A horse drawn buggy that was manufactured here. In fact - they still are.
The original Fire Hose Reel used by the Dayton Fire Company and a story of a major fire that occurred in Dayton. Come and enjoy learning some of Dayton's past.
"The Elder John Kline".
Date: Thursday, January 16, 2014. 7:00 p.m. Location: The Heritage Museum.
Speaker: Rev. Paul Roth. Reverend Roth has been Pastor of the Linville Creek Church of the Brethren for over 18 years.
Linville Creek Church of the Brethren is the home congregation of Elder John Kline and Rev. Roth will speak on the legacy of Elder Kline in this sesquicentennial year of his death and propose at least four reasons he was killed.
"Lincoln Birthday Ceremony".
Date: On Lincoln's Birthday February 12, 2014. 2:00 p.m. Location: The Lincoln Cemetery.
Speaker: Mr. Phil Stone.
For many years a ceremony has been held at the Lincoln Cemetery. The cemetery is in a field next to the old Lincoln Home located six miles north of Harrisonburg on Rt. 42, on the right side of the road. This event is held no matter what the weather is. It is an informal event with the attendees standing around the cemetery as Mr. Stone gives an oral address concering the life of Abraham Lincoln. Parking is along the field and a walk af several hundred yards is required.
"Learning English Through the Study of History".
Date: Thursday, February 20, 2014. 7:00 p.m. Location: The Heritage Museum.
Speakers: Dr. Nuray Grove and Dr. Dan Roberts from the University of Richmond.
The late Daniel Boorstin, who was a very good historian and Librarian of Congress, said that trying to plan for the future without a sense of the past is like trying to plant cut flowers.
University of Richmond faculty members Dr. Nuray Grove, English as a Second Language Program Director and Teacher, and Dr. Dan Roberts, Professor of Liberal Arts and History, believe teaching English without engaging history and culture is an equally frustrating enterprise. Come hear about their interdisciplinary approach.
Dr. Roberts will also talk about his award-winning radio program "A Moment in Time", and how his work seeks to make complex scholarly, historical and cultural subjects accessible and understandable to a non-academic audience
"Quilt Documentation Day".
Date: Saturday, February 22, 2014. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Do you own a quilt? Location: The Heritage Museum.
The Virginia Consortium of Quilters (www.vcq.org), is looking for new and old quilts made in Virginia before the year 2000 to be added to their research data base. You may bring up to three undocumented quilts to be measured, photographed, dated, and patterns identified. Please also bring a photograph of the quilt maker(s), if available, for copying. The data gathered will be recorded for future use by researchers of history, genealogy, and material culture of Virginia. Confidentiality of quilt owners will be protected. This is a continuation of earlier documentation projects.Limit 3 quilts per person. Bring a photo of quilt maker, if available.
For more information please call 540-427-0184. Snow day - Saturday, March 1, 2014. Collect quilts from beds, closets, trunks, and attics to support this important preservation project. Call your friends and family to join you. Let's make it a record-setting day!
"The Confederate Reader: Teaching Students What it Meant to be Confederate Americans".
Date: Thursday, March 20, 2014. 7:00 p.m. Location: The Heritage Museum.
Speaker: Nathan Ryalls. Mr. Ryalls graduated from James Madison University with a Masters in History.
When they seceded, Confederates finally had the impetus to begin drafting textbooks for students that would teach a new brand of American nationalism, one focused on preserving the Southern way of life. Instead of reinventing the wheel, Confederates used northern textbooks as a starting point, but were careful to ensure southern achievements in the American Revolution, justification of slavery, and the continuing success of the Confederate cause became the focus points. These textbooks would help create a civic and engaged citizenry to see the Confederate States of America succeed after their independence was won.
The Cromer Trumbo House will be open on Saturday, April 12 during THE DAYTON REDBUD FESTIVAL.
Mr. Jim Depoy of Mt. Crawford will 'show and tell' about his "Antique Tool Display, from the 1700's on the porch of the Cromer-Trumbo House from 10 am to 4 pm.
The 1840s house will be open for docent-led tours from 1 pm to 5 pm. Admission $5, Children free.
"Brocks Gap Heritage Day".
Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014. 11 am - 4 pm. Location: Fulks Run Elementary School.
There will be 130+ posters of old photos of family groups, churches, schools, and local landmarks. Other researchers will attend to gather and share information. This is the 24th annual celebration of this event.
Covers all areas of Brocks Gap—Runions Creek, Genoa, Fulks Run, Bergton, Criders, Dry River, Yankeetown, Palos, and Hoover.
Free and open to the public
Sponsored by Pat Turner Ritchie, 540 662-1475 or patritchie@verizon.net and Garnett & Lena Albrite Turner.
There will be special programs during the day.
The Harrisonburg-Rockingham Historical Society will be there with books for sale and information about the Heritage Museum and programs.
"Life on the Frontier".
Date: Thursday, April 17, 2014. 7:00 p.m. Location: The Heritage Museum.
Speaker: Patrick Murphy.
The Cromer Trumbo House will be open on Friday, May 2 from 1 - 5 p.m.
In addition, Dinah Ansley will conduct a group dulcimer lesson on the front porch starting at 1 pm, with members of the Blue Ridge Mountain Dulcimer Club participating.
Admission $5, Children free.
"The Good Old Days: They Were Terrible!".
Date: Thursday, May 15, 2014. 7:00 p.m. Location: The Heritage Museum.
Speaker: Greg Owen.
Local author and HRHS Trustee Chairman Greg Owen extends the theme examined by Otto Bettman in his classic 1974 book of the same title, discarding the rose colored glasses and taking a look at the history of the our country and our community ca. 1865-1900.
"Court & Market Days Festival." - Special Event - More information
Date: May 31, 2014. Location: Court Square - Harrisonburg.
Monthly Court Days of the 19th century provided plenty of action in and out of the courtroom. Residents came from all over the county to catch up on the news and conduct business. The Court & Market Days Festival offers the same opportunities in a fun and historical atmosphere. Programs during the day recreate the mid 1860’s through children’s activities, music, dancing, artisan demonstrations, tours, and drama. Festival vendors provide plenty of opportunity for shopping and socializing. Now sponsored by The Heritage Museum, the Court & Market Days Festival is a rich and historical event drawing thousands of visitors each year.
The Cromer Trumbo House will be open on Friday, June 6 from 1 - 5 p.m.
Demonstrators will include Joan Shaver - folk artist; also Nancy Voas from the Shenandoah Valley Textile Guild - fiber arts; and Joyce Jellum - fancy handwork.
Admission $5, Children free.
"Ecohistory of the Shenandoah River Valley".
Date: Thursday, June 19, 2014. 7:00 p.m. Location: The Heritage Museum.
Speaker: Hayden Mathews.
Regional historian Hayden Mathews offers an entertaining and engaging overview of the forces that shaped the Valley (both geological and human) and how the Valley shaped human settlement, interweaving an unforgettable tapestry of historical change.
The Cromer Trumbo House will be open on Friday, July 11 from 1 - 5 p.m.
Admission $5, Children free.
"Shenandoah Valley Apples".
Date: Thursday, July 17, 2014. 7:00 p.m. Location: The Heritage Museum.
Speaker: Scott Jost.
Local Author, Photographer, and Associate Professor at Bridgewater College Scott Jost shares the photographs and oral histories collected for his latest book, 'Shenandoah Valley Apples: Where History and Photography Meet ' – a look at the past, present, and future of apple growing in the region. Come early to see the Apple in Rockingham exhibit on display in the featured gallery!
The Cromer Trumbo House will be open on Friday, August 1 from 1 - 5 p.m.
Admission $5, Children free.
"Finding Gold in Your Attic and Basement: How to Use Artifacts to Tell Your Life Story".
Date: Thursday, August 21, 2014. 7:00 p.m. Location: The Heritage Museum.
Speaker: Shirley Hershey Showalter.
Local author Shirley Hershey Showalter explains how old artifacts turned to "gold" as she wove together stories from her childhood in her memoir 'Blush: A Mennonite Girl Meets a Glittering World'. Through show and tell of her family’s memories and treasures, she will inspire members of the audience to search their own attics and basements for artifacts that tell stories. She will sign copies of her book.