As a Non Member, the result of your search only provides the name, a member search provides other information as well.
The Harrisonburg - Rockingham Historical Society has a continuing program of documenting a number of historical documents into searchable databases. Many thousands of hours have been spent by dedicated volunteers transcribing data of genealogical interest. The results provide a digital catalog of various sources such as birth, death and marriage records, over 300 cemeteries, indexes of Family History books, obituaries, etc. This data is updated when a significant number of additional names have been input.
At the time this was written, there were approximately half a million names in the overall index. When a name is located in the index, one can see what the source document is. Within the source document database (at the library), the location of the personal information is found. For example, if a name is listed as being in a cemetery, a computer search will result in the details of the tombstone location. This list does not include all the HRHS resources but it does provide a fast means of finding those that have been recorded.
This search page will determine if a name exists in the HRHS computer. You must contact or visit HRHS to obtain details. The Historical Society provides this information to help find your ancestors.
To improve the opportunity to find a name, the program searches for all
names that start with the letters entered.
For instance "P" will return all names starting with P. Each search is
limited to 10,000 names.
"Paul" will return names such as Paul, Paulus, Paulser, Pauly and so on.
As a part of the HRHS digitization program, countless volunteer hours of data entry are resulting in a database that provides an overall index of names for our members and patrons.