Look for a place in Rockingham County..

Historic Location Search

The Harrisonburg - Rockingham Historical Society has a continuing program of documenting a number of historical documents into searchable databases. From these, the items that have the name of a "place" have been extracted and combined in one set of data.

This list focuses on places that existed in the past, to help researchers find places that may no longer exist or the name has changed. Typically not included are modern names of town and city streets, buidings, etc.

There are many duplicates as the same name will appear on the various source documents. The duplicates have not been removed or edited.

Due to space constraints, some of the details of these places are not shown in this database. Researchers at the HRHS may be able to further help one find a place.

Enter a Place name below. (The name is not case sensitive.)

To improve the opportunity to find a name, the program searches for all names that start with the letters entered.
For instance "bri" will return all names starting with Bri. Each search is limited to 1,000 names.
"Bri" will return names such as Bridge, Bridgewater, and so on.

Thomas Harrison's house, the founder of Harrisonburg.


Built in 1750.