Pottery Exhibit

This was a previous exhibit shown in the Featured Exhibit area.

A Great Deal of Stone & Earthen Ware:
The Rockingham County, Virginia School of Folk Pottery
September 7 - December 30, 2024

The first to focus on the county's traditional pottery, this exhibit presents more than 200 examples of ware along with recently discovered information regarding the numerous pottery shops in the area. This gathering of Rockingham County pottery may be the first time that such a number has been together since the final kiln was fired at some unknown nineteenth-century shop. Displaying a variety of forms, decorations, and mediums, the pieces speak volumes about the pottery tradition of the county. Researchers Jeffrey S. Evans and Scott Hamilton Suter, co-curators of the exhibit, have also produced a full-color catalog containing more than 300 photographs of the pieces on display. Additionally, the publication includes an essay detailing the story of Rockingham County pottery and the closely connected potters who produced the ware. Copious notes to each piece also offer new insights into individual potters and their work.

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