These are for research and pleasure.

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"Stained Glass Windows in the Churches of Harrisonburg" (No. 101)

"Stained Glass Windows in the Churches of Rockingham" (No. 102)

"Stained Glass Medallion Windows - A Collection" (No. 106)

"Old Photographs of Rockingham Churches" (No. 110)


"Pictorial History of the Virginia Conference, Evangelical United Brethren Church" (No. 103)

"History of United Brethren Churches – Harrisonburg Area" (No. 104)

"Relation of UB/EUB Church to Shenandoah University" (No. 105)

"History of United Brethren In Christ by A. P. Funkhouser" (No. 107)

"United Brethren Virginia Conference Preachers" (No. 108)

"History of United Brethren Virginia Conferences, 1800 - 1946" (No. 109)

"History of United Methodist Church in Rockingham County" (No. 111)


"Works Project Administration, Historical Articles - 1937" (No. 201)

"History of Rockingham County - Wayland" (No. 202)

"Exchange Hotel Register - Harrisonburg, 1862" (No. 203)

"Armentrout Family History 1739 - 1978" (No. 204)

"Harrisonburg Town Minutes 1799 - 1818" (No. 205)

"Rockingham Recorders, A Compendium of Rockingham Historical Records" (No. 206)

"Civil War Veteran Photographs" (No. 207)

"HRHS Newsletters 2000 - 2018" (No. 208)

"Jane Paul - An Unexpected Life" (No. 209)

"Not an Online book, but here is a link to the extremely useful Chalkley's Records"


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