Harrisonburg Rockingham Historical Society

The information below is supplemental to "Mills of Rockingham County," a series of four books published by the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Historical Society and authored by Janet and Earl Downs with special assistance by Pat Turner Ritchie. The books can be purchased online. View books.

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Alternate Names for Mills

Other Name for Mill Refer to Mill Mill location

Arbogast Mill Plains Mill Timberville

Armentrout Mill Hinton Mill Keezletown

Bradburn Mills Hinton Roller Mills Hinton

Craney Island Mill Byrd Mill Smith Creek

Greenmount Roller Mills Bowman's Mill Greenmount Springs, Linville

Hopkins Mill W. H. Myers Mill Muddy Creek

Horn Mill Keys Mill Turleytown

J. O. Beery Mill Clem and Wenger Mill Harrisonburg

Lower Mill Custers Mill Hinton

Paul Shickel & Company Mill Paul's Mill Ottobine

Turner Mill Breneman Mill Greenmount

Wenger's Mill Brown's Mill Edom

Wenger's Mill Burruss Mill Edom

Index of Rockingham County Mills in the Mill Book Series

Mill name Mill location Mill Book Page References
Volume I Volume II Volume III Volume IV
A. J. Miller Mill Sangerville None P 654 None None
Ammon Mill Three Springs P 5, 416 P 365 P 401 P 93, 104, 590,

616, 617
Andrick's Mill Timberville P 11 P 367 P 404 P 105
Armentrout Mill Fridley's Gap P 21 P 368 P 406 P 107, 257
Bakers Mill Cedar Run P 23 None P 407 None
Baugher Mill Sandy Bottom P 24 P 369 None P 109
Beery Mill Edom None None None P 1
Beery Mill North Main St., P 3 None None P 112
Bellfonte Mill Bellfont near Ottobine P 26 P 373 None None
Berlin Mill Bridgewater P 6 None P 641 None
Blue Ball Tavern and Mill Keezletown P 8 None None P 113
Bowman's Mill Greenmount Springs, P 28 P 374 None P 115
Bowman's Mill Linville Creek None None None P 3
Bowmans Mill Broadway P 27 None None None
Breneman Mill Greenmount P 34 P 384 P 409 P 125
Bridgewater Manufacturing Bridgewater P 53 None P 413 P 132
Bridgewater Roller Mills Bridgewater P 55 P 389 None None
Broadway Milling Company Broadway P 56 P 392 P 422, 426 P 142
Brock Mill Stony Run, McGaheysville P 14 None None None
Brown's Mill Edom None None None P 4
Burruss Mill Edom None None None P 9
Burtner Mill Keezletown P 17 None None None
Burtner Mill Mt. Clinton P 60 P 397 P 427 P 145
Byerly Mill Bridgewater None P 7 P 643 P 147
Byerly Mill Pleasant Vally None None P 3 None
Byrd Mill Smith Creek P 64 None None P 154
Clem and Wenger Mill Harrisonburg None None None P 13
Cline Mill Long Glade Run, Timberville None None None P 17
Coiner Milling Co. Lynnwood P 68 P 401 P 429 P 148
Cook's Mill Thorofare, Elkton None P 23 None None
Cosby Mill Grottoes None P 638 None P 595
Crim - Hoover Mill Timberville P 80 None P 454 P 155
Custers Mill Hinton P 85 P 405 P 457 P 157
D. A. Swank Mill Edom None None None P 75
Dayton Mill (Lower) Dayton P 93 None None P 163
Dayton Mill (Upper) Dayton P 94 P 410 P 458 P 164
Dean Mountain Spring Skyline Drive P 105 None None P 192
Deputy's Mill Pleasant Valley P 106 P 423 P 460 None
Dinkle Mill near Dayton P 107 None None None
Dove - Wittig Mill Pleasant Valley None None P 9 P 194
Dove Mill Bergton None None P 19 None
Driver Mill Timberville None P 27 None P 197
Dry Run Mill Mt. Pleasant, Elkton None P 29 None None
Early Mill Broadway None P 30 P 644 None
Eby Feed Service Harrisonburg None P 31 None None
Edom - Burruss Mill Edom P 108 P 426 P 462 P 198
Elder John Kline Mill Broadway None None None P 34
Elkton Milling Company Elkton P 119 P 442 P 481 P 214
Emmen's Mill Browns Gap None None None P 18
Endless Caverns Mill New Market None None None P 21
Eureka Roller Mills Hinton P 131 P 445 P 493 P 223
Farmers Milling Company Bridgewater P 133 None P 495 P 225
Fulk's Mill Fulk's Mill None None P 23 None
George Smith Mill Bennets Run, Bergton None None P 124 None
Glicks Mill Dry River P 136 P 451 P 496 P 226
Goods Mill Goods Mill P 150 P 455 P 498 P 229
Grattan Mill North River None None None P 22
Harman's Mill McGayheysville None None None P 24
Harpers Mill Lynwood, Port Republic None P 32 None None
Harrison Mill Bruce St.., Harrisonburg None P 33 None None
Harrison Mill Dayton P 169 None None None
Harrisonburg Milling Harrisonburg P 171 P 464 P 531 P 245
Heatwole Mill Dry River None None P 31 None
Hepner Mill Cootes Store None None P 34 P 246
Hevener Mill Cootes Store None P 37 None None
Higgs Mill Mountain Valley P 178 None None None
Hinton Mill Keezletown P 182 P 469 None P 256
Hinton Roller Mills Hinton P 188 None P 534 None
Hollens Mill Dry River P 192 None None P 262
Homer R. Kline's Mill N. Main St., Harrisonburg P 207 None P 545 P 278
Hopkins Mill Cave Hill, McGaheysville None None None P 30
Houston Mill Lacey Spring None None None P 31
Howard Kline Mill Linville Creek P 209 P 480 P 570 P 281
Howver Mill Joe's Creek None None P 35 None
Hupp Mill Criders None None P 36 P 271
Ideal Milling Company Mossy Creek None None P52 None
J. M. Strickler Mill N. Main St., Harrisonburg P 330 P 600 P 588 P 500
Jacob A. Rush Mill Rushville None None None P 67
Jacob Stover Mill Mill Creek, Port Republic P 323 None None None
Jacob Stover Mill near Port Republic None None None P 74
Keezletown Milling Company Keezletown P 202 P 475 None p 274
Keys Mill Turleytown None P 38 P 645 None
Kites Mill McGaheysville None P 42 None P 276
Kring's Mill Linville None None None P 36
Kyger Mill Pineville Road None None P 85 None
Kyles Mill Mill Creek P 226 None None P 290
Lacey Spring Mill Lacey Spring P 229 P 506 None P 291
Lahman Mill Harrisonburg None P 44 None None
Landrum Mill Mill Creek None P 49 None None
Lantz - Caplinger Mill Criders None None P 65 None
Lilly Mill Lilly P 234 None None None
Lincoln Mill Brocks Creek None P 50 None P 299
Lincoln Mill Linville Creek None P 53 None P 37
Liskey Mill Pleasant Valley None P 55 P 647 None
M. C. Showalter Co. Broadway None None P 110 P 474
Marshall Milling Company Bridgewater P 235 None None None
Massanutten Mill Penn Laird None P 62 None None
Mays Mill Bridgewater None None P 94 None
Meadows Mill Elkton None P 63 None None
Merica Mill Naked Creek None None None P 49
Mill at Wildwood Park Bridgewater None None None P 88
Millers Mill Silver Creek, Montezuma None P 65 P 648 None
Model Mill McGaheysville None P 67 None P 308
Montevideo Mill Montevideo None None P 97 P 309
Mt. Crawford Flouring Mill Mt. Crawford P 236 P 514 P 546 P 311
Mutual Feed Company Broadway None None None P 57
Mutual Milling & Supply Harrisonburg P 242 P 516 P 552 P 313
Naked Creek Mill Naked Creek None None None P 60
Natural Falls Milling Bridgewater P 243 P 530 None P 319
New Penn Laird Milling Penn Laird P 269 None None None
North River Flouring Mill near Mt. Crawford P 246 None P 560 P 322
Osceola Mill Pleasant Valley P 247 P 533 None None
Painters Mill Mt. Crawford P 252 P 536 None None
Parrot Mill Brocks Creek P 253 P 538 None P 336
Paul's Mill Ottobine P 258, 419, P 93, 540 P 359, 562 P 337, 617, 665

430, 431
Penn Laird Milling Company Penn Laird P 265 None P 570 P 348
Plains Mill Timberville P 272 P 543 P 571 P 353
Port Republic Mill Port Republic P 280 P 577 P 574 P 361
Powder Mill Pleasant Valley None None None P 63
Powell Mill Beldor None None P 99 P 370
Quality Feeds Broadway None P 69 P 656 P 374
Rader Mill Timberville None P 71 None None
River Bank Mill McGaheysville P 295 P 595 P 579 P 376
Riverside Roller Mills Timberville None None None P 586
Rocco Harrisonburg None P 72 None P 379
Rockingham Cooperative Harrisonburg None P 92 None P 402
Rockingham Milling Harrisonburg None P 144 None P 438
Rockingham Mills North River None None None P 66
Rockland Mills Weyers Cave None P 658 None P 602
Roudabush Mill Cub Run, Penn Laird P 301 P 596 None P 470
Sandy Mill Pleasant Valley None None P 104 None
Scott's Ford Mill North River None P 192 P 657 None
Sellers Mill Mauzy P 308 None None P 471
Shaver's Mill Joe's Creek None P195 None P 473
Sherman Mill Mt. Crawford None P 201 P 661 None
Souder Mill Crab Run Road, Bergton None None P 127 None
Southern States Cooperative, Harrisonburg None P 208 None P 483
Spring Creek Mill Spring Creek P 314 P 598 P 582 P 497
Standard Cast Stone Co. Harrisonburg None None None P 72
Strickler Mill Smith Creek P 326 P 603 None P 506
Strickler Mill Timberville P 329 None P 587 P 505
Stultz's Mill Muddy Creek P 333 P 606 P 590 P 507
Stultz's Mill Smith Creek P 344 P 609 P 607 None
Swartz Mill McGaheysville None None P 129 None
Taylors Mill Massanetta Springs P 346 P 610 None P 511
Tide Spring Cherry Grove None P 239 None None
Turley Mill Turleytown P 348 P 613 P 610 None
Turner & Fulk Mill Fulks Run P 353 P 615 P 612 None
Valentine Sevier Mill Smith Creek P 312 None None None
Valley Milling Company Harrisonburg P 363 P 620 P 616 None
Valley Star Mill McGaheysville None None None P 86
Verbena Mill Naked Creek None P 666 None P 609
W. H. Marshall Mill Swift Run None None None P 46
W. H. Myers Mill Muddy Creek P 196 P 471 P 536 P 268
W. M. Hensley Mill Elkton P 175 P 467 None None
Wampler Foods Harrisonburg None P 243 None P 513
Waterloo Mill Elkton P 364 P 621 None P 542
Weaver Mill Spring Creek None P 292 None None
Wengers Mill Edom P 371 P 625 P 617 P 543
Wheelbarger Mill Rushville None P 321 None None
Whetzel Mill Bergton None None P 134 None
Whetzel Seed Company Harrisonburg None P 304 None P 573
William Linville Mill Linville Creek None None None P 39
William Sylveus Mill Runions Creek, Fulks Run None None P 134 None
Winfield Mill Broadway P 378 None P 635 None
Wright Mill Linville Creek None None None P 89
Yancey Mill Yancey None None P 137 None
Zigler Mill Timberville P 379 None None None
Zimmerman Mill Spring Creek P 385 None None None
Zirkle Mill Endless Caverns P 388 P 633 None None
Zirkle Mill Turleytown None None P 143 None