Each member contributes to the collecting, preserving and interpreting
of our fascinating history. Members of the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Historical
Society currently number over 1,100 households from every corner of the
United States.
To join, use our secure online
store to pay with a credit card, or a printable
membership form that you can mail with a check.
The Harrisonburg-Rockingham Historical Society offers various levels
of membership. Descriptions of each are included here to help you decide
what will best fit you.
Basic Individual Membership ($30)
- A subscription to the Historical Society's quarterly newsletter
- An invitation to the annual banquet and periodic programs
- Free admission to the exhibits of the Heritage Center
- Unlimited access to the Genealogy Research Library
Basic Family Membership ($40)
- A subscription to the Historical Society's quarterly newsletter
- An invitation to the annual banquet and periodic programs
- Free admission to the exhibits of the Heritage Center
- Unlimited access to the Genealogy Research Library
- Family members reside in the same household
Friends of the Society/ Individual and Family ($50 to $99)
- A subscription to the Historical Society's quarterly newsletter
- An invitation to the annual banquet and periodic programs
- Free admission to the exhibits of the Heritage Center and a discount
for non-members who accompany you
- Unlimited access to the Genealogy Research Library
- Invitation to opening Galas for two guests
Associate ($100 to $249)
- Ten percent discount at the Heritage Center gift shop for Associate
and spouse
- A subscription to the Historical Society's quarterly newsletter
- An invitation to the annual banquet and periodic programs
- Free admission to the exhibits of the Heritage Center and a discount
for non-members who accompany you
- Unlimited access to the Genealogy Research Library
- Invitation to opening Galas for two guests
Patron ($250 to $499)
- One scheduled private tour with the curator for each exhibit
presented by the Society
- Ten percent discount at the Heritage Center gift shop for Patron
and spouse
- A subscription to the Historical Society's quarterly newsletter
- Individual invitation and four guest invitations for all opening galas
- An invitation to the annual banquet and periodic programs
- Free admission to the exhibits of the Heritage Center for immediate
family and four guests, reduced admission for additional guests
- Unlimited access to the Genealogy Research Library
Sponsor ($500 or more per year)
- Listing of your name during the membership year in a prominent location
within the facility.
- Advance notice of classes, dinners, and other functions sponsored
by the Society prior to the release to the general public
- Unlimited guests for scheduled private tour with the curator for
each exhibit presented by the Society
- Ten percent discount at the Heritage Center gift shop for Sponsor
and spouse
- A subscription to the Historical Society's quarterly newsletter
- Individual invitation and four guest invitations for all opening galas
- An invitation to the annual banquet and periodic programs
- Free admission to the exhibits of the Heritage Center for immediate
family and four guests, reduced admission for additional guests
- Unlimited access to the Genealogy Research Library
Benefactor: Recognition of Special Contributors to the Society
An umbrella level of recognition which is not based on any given membership
year, but which would be referred to a "benefactor" is to be
made up of any individual or husband and wife or other entity who cumulatively
have contributed $10,000 or more to the Society. Contributions would include
annual membership fees. For example, being a benefactor for 20 years would
qualify, as well as someone who has given $10,000 in cash, either in one
or more gifts. Also, anyone would qualify who has given gifts in kind
which are approved by the Board of Directors as qualifying for a contribution
to the charter membership status. There will be a permanent listing of
the beneficiary's name in the Society as a benefactor. The benefactor
recognition is not a membership category or level but is soley to recognize
persons or other entities that have made a significant contribution to
the Society.