The Heritage Museum telephone number is: 540-879-2616. The actual (not mailing) address is: 382 High Street, Dayton, Va. 22821. - - - CONTACT US - (Click here for directions, hours, and much more information.)
Originally designed for the 100 year rememberance of the Civil War, This 20 X 13 Ft. display of the campaign of 1862 has been revised with new electronics and computer controlled visual and audio formats. When one sees this program, it explains how General Jackson delayed the Union forces in their march on Richmond.
This presentation will acquaint one with the roads, battlefields, towns and mountains that were instrumental in the critical battles of the Shenandoah Valley campaign.
(10,000 visitors in 2011)
( 9,700 visitors in 2012)
(7,300 visitors in 2013)
(Stopped counting in 2014)
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