Rockingham County Virginia Tombstones by Cemetery

CemeteryDayton Baptist Church Cemetery #
LocationRefer to the Fishback Family Cemetery. The name has changed over the years.
NotesRefer to the Fishback Family Cemetery. The name has changed over the years. In 1967 Mr. Swank notes "Mr. Showalter in his Atlas of Rockingham County 1939, mentions this church and states 'The old graveyard may still be seen.' We were unable to find any of the older citizens of the Dayton community who knew anything of it." Mr. Swank also references the Fishback Family Cemetery as this cemetery and refers to it as "the Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery."
Survey Date and Recorder24 Jun 2024
Robert & Lois Emswiler

Cemetery Index

Surname Index

Surnames are sorted by section / plot / row / grave - only sections and rows are shown

SectionRowSurnameGiven Name & MIBirth DateDeath DateHeadstone NotesRemarks
See remarksCemetery is now Fishback Family Cemetery