Rockingham County Virginia Tombstones by Cemetery

CemeteryHoover Family Cemetery 1
LocationNear Timberville, Rockingham County, Virginia. From Harrisonburg take Route 42 north to Timberville. Stay on Route 42 through Timberville & turn right onto Route 211 (New Market Road). Go about 3.1 miles & cemetery is off to the left. It is not visible from the road. It is 0.2 mile off the road through a field & then crossing a creek bed. It is located on the Shenandoah River bank.
NotesCemetery is clean & on private property. Need permission to get to it. In 1967 J. Robert Swank noted "Cemetery on the Raymond Hoover farm. There may be as many as 20 additional graves, unmarked. Plot grazed and clean. Showalter Atlas of 1939 states Jacob Hoover settled on 625 acres along the Shenandoah River 2 miles below Timberville. Also mentions Emanuel & Annie Clive Hoover."
Survey Date and Recorder28 Mar 2024
Bennie Getz, Walt Mason, Bob & Lois Emswiler

Cemetery Index

Surname Index

Surnames are sorted by section / plot / row / grave - only sections and rows are shown

SectionRowSurnameGiven Name & MIBirth DateDeath DateHeadstone NotesRemarks
001CristAndrew21 May 202423 Nov 2024Aged 24y 6m 22d
001CristCatherine26 Sep 2024Aged 71y 9m 8d
001CristBarbara4 Oct 2024Aged 67y 7m
001CristAndrew8 Jul 20244 Dec 2024Aged 71y 4m 26d
001HooverAnna1 May 2024Aged 84y 8m 10d; w/SamuelIllegible stone; recorded by Swank in 1967; remains moved to Timberville Cemetery.
001HooverSamuel17Sep 1854Aged 69y 11m 2dIllegible stone; recorded by Swank in 1967; remains moved to Timberville Cemetery.
001HooverLydia H. Glick13 Apr 2024Aged 22y 10m 3dIllegible stone; recorded by Swank in 1967; remains moved to Timberville Cemetery.
001HooverJohn21 Jan 2025Aged 14y 4m 30dIllegible stone; recorded by Swank in 1967; remains moved to Timberville Cemetery.
001UnknownAged 68y 10m 12dIllegible stone; record by Swank in 1967 top of stone with name not found
001HooverJohn30 Jan 2025Aged 49y 5m 3dIllegible stone; recorded by Swank in 1967; remains moved to Timberville Cemetery.