Rockingham County Virginia Tombstones by Cemetery

CemeteryJack Eaton Place Cemetery
LocationBeldor Area, Rockingham County, Virginia. Take Route 33 East from Elkton, Rockingham County, Virginia. Turn right on Beldor Road. Go 3.7 miles on Beldor Road until you see a large old barn on the left. There will be a large metal gate & parking for one car. The chain on the metal gate can be unclipped. Cemetery is behind the barn & to the left on the hillside. You must cross a very wet area around an old Springhouse, pass under an electric fence, wade a stream, climb another fence & then climb the hill.
NotesThe owner doesn't mind visitors to the cemetery. There are only about ten readable headstones. There are many broken and unreadable fieldstones. In March of 2002, Robert Crawford recorded this cemetery & found that relatives keep it cleared. In 1987 Lois Bowman wrote: The cemetery is not in Shenandoah National Park and is on a hill above Hawksbill Creek.
Survey Date and Recorder3/17/2002
Robert Crawford

Cemetery Index

Surname Index

Surnames are sorted by section / plot / row / grave - only sections and rows are shown

SectionRowSurnameGiven Name & MIBirth DateDeath DateHeadstone NotesRemarks
001MowbrayJane17 Dec 2024In remembrance of our dear mother and brotherRecorded by DAR in 1960s & Lois Bowman in 1987
001MowbrayWalter17 Dec 2024Gone but not forgottenOn same stone as Jane Mowbray; Recorded by DAR in 1960s & Lois Bowman in 1987
001CrawfordWilber H.23 Apr 2024Aged 21y 2m 1d; s/J. H. & Annie L. Crawford; Death is another lifeRecorded by DAR in 1960s & Lois Bowman in 1987
001EatonThomas A.31 Jul 202430 Mar 2024Recorded by DAR in 1960s & Lois Bowman in 1987
001UnknownIda E. S.186718 Apr ____Age 29 1mRecorded by DAR in 1960s & Lois Bowman in 1987
001UnknownF. W., D. I., 1875Fieldstone marker; recorded by Robert Crawford 3/17/2002
001W.E.2 Sep 18??Fieldstone marker; recorded by Robert Crawford 3/17/2002
001W.P.29 Apr 18____87Fieldstone marker; recorded by Lois Bowman 1987
001UnknownMa____Fieldstone marker; recorded by Lois Bowman 1987
001DavisSarah E..2 Feb 2025Aged 77 yrsRecorded by DAR 1960s & by Robert Crawford 3/17/2002
001WoodJoseph P.18611930Headstone recorded by Robert Crawford 3/17/2002
001WoodLouisew/Joseph P.Buried here but no dates per Robert Crawford 3/17/2002
001Wyant11 Apr 2024No visible marker - recorded by DAR in 1960s
001HansbroughSarah Jane18671918Headstone recorded by Robert Crawford 3/17/2002
001HansbroughMarias Jordan18491931Headstone recorded by Robert Crawford 3/17/2002