Rockingham County Virginia Tombstones by Cemetery

CemeteryOld Stephens Cemetery
LocationLacey Spring, Rockingham County, Virginia. Take Route 11 North to Lacey Spring, then turn right (east) onto Route 806 (Martz Road). Cross over Route 717 (Indian Trail Road) and Smith Creek and turn into first field entrance on left. Property is owned by Hildegard Muan and cemetery is located behind the Maun house at end of lane (high on hill top).
NotesCemetery is well maintained and is enclosed by iron fence.
Survey Date and Recorder04 Nov 2024
Gene Holsinger & Hugh Hutchens

Cemetery Index

Surname Index

Surnames are sorted by section / plot / row / grave - only sections and rows are shown

SectionRowSurnameGiven Name & MIBirth DateDeath DateHeadstone NotesRemarks
StephensJohn1 Jun 202417 Nov 2024Aged 44y & 16dNote-Age & dates don't agree
DovelMartha E.16 Feb 202519 Mar 2024Aged 2y 1m 1dd/Harrison Dovel
StephensJohn H.4 Nov 202416 Aug 2024s/John & Matha StephensPartially illlegible-recorded by D.A.R. in 1960s
StephensMartha Cowman27 Mar 2024Aged 89y 2m 2d; w/John Stephens at the time of her death. Widow of the late John Cowan
StricklerElizabeth30 Oct 202429 Aug 2024w/Isaac StricklerNo visible marker in 2009-recorded by D.A.R. in 1960s; nee Stephens
DovelManerva5 May 202429 Mar 2024w/Harrison DovelNo visible marker in 2009-recorded by D.A.R. in 1960s
StephensFannie P.19 Jul 202411 Feb 2025Aged 18y 6m 2d
UnknownNo visible marker in 2009-recorded by D.A.R. in 1960s with note: rough headstone-no legible inscriptions-probably the grave of Elizabeth Woolf, w/Lewis Stephens.
StephensLewis174725 Nov 2024Here lays the body of Lewis Stephens borne in the year 1747Partially illegible-recorded by D.A.R. in 1960s
Unknown17213 Jun 2024Wore born 1721 dyde in the year 1808 June the 3(5?)Illegible marker-recorded by D.A.R. in 1960s with note: old, hand-carved stone, very difficult to read; family records do not give any clue as to whom this is except that it may be Valentine Woolf, who was the father-in-law of Lewis Stephens.