Rockingham County Virginia Tombstones by Cemetery

CemeteryMoyers Family Cemetery 2
LocationSingers Glen area, Rockingham County, Virginia. Cemetery is located on the north side of Route 721 (Green Hill Road) between Singers Glen and Edom. The Fred Funkhouser farm.
NotesIn 1967 J. Robert Swank wrote: The three stones were found down, along the fence by the lane. Mrs. Hazel Baugher furnished names of others who probably were buried here. This plot formerly was inclosed by a stone wall which was later removed. Cemetery in open pasture field at present time. Estate settlement of Henry Moyers 1906 shows: 1/3 to Laura Lee Moyers; 1/3 to Maggie Chester Houff; 1/3 to Una M. Lee and Sallie M. Showalter. David Moyers bought the place from Henry and Margaret Moyers in 1817 which was enlarged by later purchases. In 2008 no attempt was made to locate this cemetery.
Survey Date and Recorder1967
J. Robert Swank

Cemetery Index

Surname Index

Surnames are sorted by section / plot / row / grave - only sections and rows are shown

SectionRowSurnameGiven Name & MIBirth DateDeath DateHeadstone NotesRemarks
MoyersDavid J.20 Oct 2024Died in his 36th yearstone down
ShowalterNellie1869Aged about 4 mos; ch/George & SarahMrs. Hazel Baugher said probably buried here
ShowalterJasper Worthington1865died as child; c/George & SarahMrs. Hazel Baugher said probably buried here
MoyersMargaret WattersonMrs. Hazel Baugher said probably buried here-2ndwife of Henry. 1st wife buried near Wengers Mill
MoyersHenryMrs. Hazel Baugher said probably buried here
MoyerBarbara Ellen1 May 20241 Sep --stone down
MoyerDavid27 Oct 202410 Mar 2024stone down