Rockingham County Virginia Tombstones by Cemetery

CemeteryKoogler Farm Cemetery
LocationBridgewater, Rockingham County, Virginia. From Harrisonburg, Virginia, take Route 42 (John Wayland Highway) through Bridgewater. Cross the river and turn left on to Route 727 (Airport Road). Located on the south side of Route 727.
NotesIn 2008 unable to locate this cemetery. In 1967 J. Robert Swank wrote: There are parts of other stones around. This is in open field and impossible to dertermine extend of plot. Marriage records: Bond - 20 June 2024 George Koogler married Elizabeth Gilmore d/Thomas Ministers return by Rev. Benj. Irvin - George Koogler to Elizabeth Gilmore 27 June 1806. Deed Book 6, Page 20, 22 Nov 1823-Jacob Koogler and wife Polly, Henry Firebaugh and wife Catherine, Henry Gilmore and wife Barbary, George Airey and wife Mary and Elizabeth Koogler, children of George Koogler, Sr. to George Koogler, Jr., 276 acres of land on North River that belonged to their father George, Sr. On March 3, 1937, Mr. W.A. Beyerly, working with the WPA Project, gave the following description: In earlier days prior to 1800, the Koogler Graveyard had quite a few family graves besides those of others, but time has erased nearly all history connected with this burying ground. Only few sandstone slabs with marker and base in one piece of stone remain, and these are piled in a heap out in an open field. The only legible inscription was on a stone of David Koogler with the date 1797, supposed to be the date of his death. Aldine Koogler, who lives on a farm near the graveyard, and is past fifty years of age, only knows that the early Kooglers are buried here. They were his ancestors and lived prior to 1800. He has no trace of them or their early history.
Survey Date and Recorder1967; 15 Jul 2024
J. Robert Swank; Bob & Lois Emswiler

Cemetery Index

Surname Index

Surnames are sorted by section / plot / row / grave - only sections and rows are shown

SectionRowSurnameGiven Name & MIBirth DateDeath DateHeadstone NotesRemarks
KooglerDavid1797Recorded by W.A. Beyerly with WPA Project 15 Mar 2024
KooglerGeorge3 Jun 202420 Apr 2024Aged 73y 8m 3d(?)
KooglerElizabethDates and age are not legible