Cemetery | Michael Baker Cemetery |
Location | Fulks Run, Rockingham County, Virginia. Going west on Route 259 from Fulks Run Grocery, you will pass by the Yankeytown bridge (Route 819). About 1/2 mile from that bridge is a wide open valley with a dairy farm and brick Cape Cod style house on the left. The cemetery was on that farm at the far end of the field. |
Notes | Patricia Turner Ritchie noted that "This cemetery is no longer visible since the stones were pulled up and the plot farmed over about 50 years ago. The farm was originally owned by Uriah Humble in the 1750's. Possibly members of this family are buried there, too. William Hottinger, who used to work on the farm and remembers the cemetery, said the only store bought stone was for Michael Baker but there were other river rocks, too." J. Robert Swank noted "It is reported that John Roller removed the Baker stone containing the dates." Swank recorded the cemetery as the "Good Cemetery" because the owner in 1967 was Harley Good. |
Survey Date and Recorder | 1. 1967 2. 1999 1. J. Robert Swank 2. Patricia Turner Ritchie |
Surnames are sorted by section / plot / row / grave - only sections and rows are shown
Section | Row | Surname | Given Name & MI | Birth Date | Death Date | Headstone Notes | Remarks |
001 | Baker | Michael | About 1750 | 6 Dec 2024 | Age 56; Revolutionary War Soldier | ||
001 | Lantz | Infant | Infant of Jacob; recorded by Swank in 1967 | ||||
001 | Baker | Elizabeth | Possibly buried here per Pat Ritchie in 1999 |