Rockingham County Virginia Tombstones by Cemetery

CemeteryCavetown Community Cemetery
LocationWest of Mauzy area, Rockingham County, Virginia. From Harrisonburg, Virginia, take Route 11 North (No. Valley Pike) to Route 608 (Mauzy Athlone Road). Turn right onto Route 608 and cemetery is located off of Route 608 on a farm owned by Raymond Phillips.
NotesIn 2003 Mary Nelson wrote: Off dirt road that goes into the Phillips farm. It is next to an old barn (before the house) and has an iron fence around it. It has been used as a dump and has many ground hog holes. Did not go into it because of condition.
Survey Date and Recorder1960s & 2003
D.A.R., Marie Arrington & Mary Nelson

Cemetery Index

Surname Index

Surnames are sorted by section / plot / row / grave - only sections and rows are shown

SectionRowSurnameGiven Name & MIBirth DateDeath DateHeadstone NotesRemarks
UnknownSeveral sandstone & rough limestone markers-no inscriptions
UnknownSeveral sandstone markers-no inscriptions
DerrowIda D.19 Mar 20248 Aug 2024w/Jacob Derrow
HiggsElizabethWife; d/Elias KendleWooden slab marker-no markings; they are known to have been buried in Mt. Valley Cemetery
LamonDruzilla18147 Aug 2024
StricklerMilta20 Jul 2024Age 19y 7m; consort of Mark Strickler
HiggsElijahWooden slab marker-no markings; they are known to have been buried in Mt. Valley Cemetery
UnknownSeveral sandstone markers-no inscriptions