Cemetery | John F. Dove Place Cemetery |
Location | East of Singers Glen, Rockingham County, Virginia. Property located one mile east of Singers Glen at junction of Route 721 (Green Hill Road) and Route 752 (Mt. Zion Road). |
Notes | No attempt was made to find this cemetery in 2008. J. Robert Swank notes in 1967: The place of the graves was near the fence at the back of the house on the property line. This property was sold by Americus V. Showalter and wife Rebecca of Preble Co., Ohio and George W. Showalter and wife Sallie of Rockingham Co., VA, 27 Feb 2025 to Morgan J. Bixler (deed book 33, pg 336) and later came to the Dove family. |
Survey Date and Recorder | 1967 J. Robert Swank |
Surnames are sorted by section / plot / row / grave - only sections and rows are shown
Section | Row | Surname | Given Name & MI | Birth Date | Death Date | Headstone Notes | Remarks |
Showalter | Infants - 3 | infants of George W. Showalter & wife/Sallie | Died of same epidemic |