Rockingham County Virginia Tombstones by Cemetery

CemeteryMoyers Family Cemetery
LocationBergton, Rockingham County, Virginia. From Harrisonburg, Virginia, take Route 42 North to Broadway. Pick up Route 259 (Brocks Gap Rod) and go west. Travel past Fulks Run Grocery store and continue on Route 259 to Route 820 (Bergton Road) and turn left. Continue on Route 820 to the Bergton store at intersection with Route 826 (Criders Road). Stay on Route 820 about a block and on right side of road there is a dirt road going up West Mountain. The cemetery is about a mile up the mountain, past the Shenandoah National Forest, and is on private property. Permission is required to visit cemetery.
NotesCemetery is in fair condition. Notes in remarks column were provided by J. Robert Swank and Miss May C. Moyers in 1960s.
Survey Date and Recorder12 Nov 2024
Dennis Early; Bob & Lois Emswiler

Cemetery Index

Surname Index

Surnames are sorted by section / plot / row / grave - only sections and rows are shown

SectionRowSurnameGiven Name & MIBirth DateDeath DateHeadstone NotesRemarks
MoyersInfantSlate stones-no writing-children of elder Moyers-probably brothers or sisters of Albert S. Moyers
MoyersInfantSlate stones-no writing-children of elder Moyers-probably brothers or sisters of Albert S. Moyers
MoyersBarry Lee2 Aug 202419 Dec 2024s/Samuel & Elizabeth Moyersbrother to Albert S. Moyers
MoyersRosa Florence24 Mar 20241 May 2024Motherw/Albert S Moyers; nee May
MoyersAlbert Savannah25 Jul 202423 Aug 2024FatherHe was known as Vannie.
MoyersMary China21 May 202421 Nov 2024d/Albert & Rosa Moyers