Rockingham County Virginia Tombstones by Cemetery

CemeteryWhitmer Family Cemetery
LocationMt. Crawford, Rockingham County, Virginia. From the corner of Route 11 south (Main Street) and Route 659 (Port Republic Road) travel east 5.3 miles on Route 659. Turn right onto Route 276 (Cross Keys Road). Go about 3-1/2 miles to home of Steve and Bonnie Smith, 5745 Cross Keys Road on left side of road. Turn into the Smith's driveway and cemetery is located in a field south of their home. Ask for permission before visiting cemetery.
NotesSome of the original limestone wall is in place with a wire fence around it. Cemetery in fair condition. There are several illegible headstones and footstones. Home was at one time owned by Whitmer and Carpenter.
Survey Date and Recorder06 Jun 2024
Bob & Lois Emswiler

Cemetery Index

Surname Index

Surnames are sorted by section / plot / row / grave - only sections and rows are shown

SectionRowSurnameGiven Name & MIBirth DateDeath DateHeadstone NotesRemarks
YountFrances17281809w/RudolphNo visible marker-born in Switzerland & died at Mill Creek Farm. Yount Family records show there is a strong presumption she is buried here. Records from D.A.R. in 1960s.
WhitmerMary177917 Jun 2024No visible marker; recorded by D.A.R. in 1960s
WhitmerJacob17751857No visible marker; recorded by D.A.R. in 1960s
WhitmerJoseph1858No visible marker; recorded by D.A.R. in 1960s
WhitmerJacob25 Dec 2024Aged 47y 6m 0d
WhitmerEve8 Dec 2024Aged 44 yrs; w/Martin