Rockingham County Virginia Tombstones by Cemetery

CemeteryArkton Tunker Church Cemetery
LocationArkton, Rockingham County, Virginia. Take Route 11 North (North Valley Pike) several miles to Route 798 (Arkton Road) and turn right. Go straight till you come to Route 620 (Smith Creek Road in parts known as Mt. Valley Road and Indian Trail Road) and turn left. Go a short distance and cemetery is on the right side of the road. It is located near Endless Caverns.
NotesWell maintained. There is a monument with the following plaque: This monument was erected in 1952 to represent the Arkton Tunker by the community in 1898 and destroyed in 1943. Trustees; W. A. Martz, E. C. Fogle, D. G. Holsinger, Sec. & Treas.-Lura Hillyard
Survey Date and Recorder9 Jul 2024
Robert & Lois Emswiler

Cemetery Index

Surname Index

Surnames are sorted by section / plot / row / grave - only sections and rows are shown

SectionRowSurnameGiven Name & MIBirth DateDeath DateHeadstone NotesRemarks
FogleJames7 Nov 202426 Nov 2024Aged 84y 19d
FogleJohn Wise9 Apr 202411 Sep 2024Aged 44y 5m 2d
VincieChildrenNo visible marker; Per D.A.R. recording in 1960s there are two children of Mr. & Mrs. John Vincie, Sr. buried here
UnknownChildrenNo visible marker; Per D.A.R. recording in 1960s there are graves of several small children.