Rockingham County Virginia Tombstones by Cemetery

CemeterySmith Family Cemetery
LocationRockingham County, Virginia. From Harrisonburg, take Rt 42 south, through Bridgewater. Turn right onto 727 (Spring Creek Road). Go 4.4 miles and take a left onto Route 613 (Sangersville Road). Go 1.5 miles and headstones are on the right side, near the road. Just before the Augusta County line.
NotesNot well maintained or protected. The Harrisonburg Rockingham Historical Society has lots of materials on this Smith family. Abstract taken from Oct 14, 1998, Daily News Record in Harrisonburg, Virginia: "Abraham Smith appears on the Augusta County Militia records as a Captain in 1755. He served in the French-and-Indian War in 1956 to 1760. He continued serving in the Augusta County Milita & in 1958 was appointed the colonel of the county militia. He was the first county Lieutenant of Rockingham County and a justice of the County Court. He was the second sheriff of Rockingham County
Survey Date and Recorder12 Apr 2024
Bob & Lois Emswiler

Cemetery Index

Surname Index

Surnames are sorted by section / plot / row / grave - only sections and rows are shown

SectionRowSurnameGiven Name & MIBirth DateDeath DateHeadstone NotesRemarks
SmithAbraham17221783Col. Augusta Co Mil; Rockingham Mil; Rev. WarNew grave marker placed at Egypt Cemetery in honor of Col. Smith by the Ft. Harrison Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, 10 Oct 2024
SmithJuliet Ann6 Oct 2024Aged 20y 6m 0d; His WifePartially illegible in 2005; Recorded in 1998 by Cecil B. Smyth Jr.
SmithAbraham8 Jan 202523 Feb 2025s/John & Mary Jane SmithPartially illegible in 2005; Recorded in 1998 by Cecil B. Smyth Jr.
SmithJoseph18 Jun 2024Aged 37 yrs; s/A. & J. A. SmithPartially illegible in 2005; Recorded in 1998 by Cecil B. Smyth Jr.