Rockingham County Virginia Tombstones by Cemetery

CemeteryClick Family Cemetery
LocationBridgewater area, Rockingham County, Virginia. Take Route 42 (John Wayland Hwy) south through Bridgewater, and turn right onto Route 727 (Spring Creek Road). Go 2 miles and turn left onto Route 747 (Mossy Creek Road). Go one mile and cemetery is on a bank on the right side of road (at a sharp left turn).
NotesCemetery is enclosed by an iron fence with no gate. It is fairly well groomed and stones are down or leaning. In 1967 J. Robert Swank noted: "There are probably 15 other graves, some marked with field stones."
Survey Date and RecorderMar 2005
Don, Carolyn & Ayla Landis; Margaret Tysinger

Cemetery Index

Surname Index

Surnames are sorted by section / plot / row / grave - only sections and rows are shown

SectionRowSurnameGiven Name & MIBirth DateDeath DateHeadstone NotesRemarks
ClickElizabeth11 May 2024Aged 25y 1m 1d; 1st w/IsaacIsaac was buried at Beaver Creek Cemetery with 2nd wife Catherine Miller-data from Swank in 1967; In 2005-born 10 Arp 1824
ClickDaniel28 Nov 2024Aged 11y 5m 10d; ch/John & Anna
ClickAnna8 Dec 2024Aged 6y 11m 1d; ch/John & Anna
ClickJonas15 Dec 2024Aged 15y 5m 9d; ch/John & Anna
ClickJohn29 Nov 2024Aged 67y 11m 15d
ClickAnna8 Aug 2024Aged 58y 3m 5d; w/Johnnee Harshbarger
GoodChildch/Newton GoodNo named markers-recorded by Swank in 1967
GoodChildch/Newton GoodNo named markers-recorded by Swank in 1967