Cemetery | Hulvey Family Cemetery 1 |
Location | Fulks Run, Rockingham County, Virginia. From Fulks Run Grocery, go west on Highway 259 for 1 mile. At Valley Land store, turn left onto Highway 818 (Dry River Road). After crossing the bridge, continue on for about 4 miles until you pass Highway 631 and the old Ritchie Schoolhouse (small white frame schoolhouse) on the left. Slow down and start looking for the Scudder mailbox on the right. Turn right at the mailbox and go up the gravel drive until you come to the crest of the hill. There is an opening in the fence on the right. The cemetery is about 30 feet from the fence. |
Notes | Notes in "Remarks" column were taken from Patricia Turner Ritchie's book in 1999. In 1967 J. Robert Swank noted "There apparently were 15 to 25 graves in open field. Only two with inscribed stones." In 1999 Patricia Turner Ritchie notes "One carved river rock, another river rock, and about 3 other depressions indicating about 5 graves." |
Survey Date and Recorder | 1. 1967 2. 1999 1. J. Robert Swank 2. Patricia Turner Ritchie |
Surnames are sorted by section / plot / row / grave - only sections and rows are shown
Section | Row | Surname | Given Name & MI | Birth Date | Death Date | Headstone Notes | Remarks |
Hulvey | Margaret Ritchie | d/Phillip Ritchie Sr & Margaret Winters Ritchie; Per Pat Ritchie's book she is buried here. | |||||
Bear | Christina Ritchie | 1787 | ? | w/Valentine "Feltry" Bear; d/Isaac Ritchie & Maria Catharena Wolfe Ritchie; per Pat Ritchie's book she is buried here. | |||
Custer | George | 3 Sep 2024 | 18 Apr 2024 | s/Richard Custer Jr. & Elizabeth Trumbo Custer; 1st husband of Melvina Ritchie; Melvina's 2nd husband John Hulvey | |||
Hulvey | John | 18 Jun 2024 | 18 Dec 2024 |