Rockingham County Virginia Tombstones by Cemetery

CemeterySmith Cemetery
LocationBennetts Run, Bergton Area, Rockingham County, Virginia. Located in the field behind the present Bennetts Run School house.
NotesCemetery records compiled by Shirley Cullers Miller using headstones, field/river rocks, papers of Warren Souder and Lewis Yankey, J. Robert Swank’s 1967 records, and through interviews with area residents. Shirley Cullers Miller noted the following; "There has never been a record of the burials in the Smith Cemetery. The graves (except for one) were marked with field and river rocks. During my research, I found names of people who are buried here. I am including the list for a record to be preserved. The Smith Cemetery is located in the field behind the present Bennetts Run School house. In the summer of 2000, Alonzo Earl 'Bill" Yankey and George Hottinger made white cement tombstones (no markings on them) and placed them at some of the grave sites. Bill also stated that he plans to build a fence around this Smith Cemetery. One monument was set in the Smith Cemetery in 1984. It marks the graves of more than fifty people." In 1967 J. Robert Swank noted-the space occupied would accommodate 70 to 90 graves.
Survey Date and Recorder2002
Shirley Cullers Miller

Cemetery Index

Surname Index

Surnames are sorted by section / plot / row / grave - only sections and rows are shown

SectionRowSurnameGiven Name & MIBirth DateDeath DateHeadstone NotesRemarks
SmithMary Elizabeth (Shaver)1811after 1880wife of Emanuel Smith, and child of Abraham Shaver I & Barbara Kepner Shaver
SmithHannah G.7 Jan 20257 Jan 2025child of Ashby & Naomi May Smith
SmithBessie30 Aug 202421 Sep 2024child of George & Martha Smith
MayAndrew Jamesabout 17941830husband of Margaret "Peggy" Smith, and child of George May I & Martha Magdaline Houghman May
MayMargaret "Peggy" (Smith)21 Apr 2024after 18502nd wife of Andrew James May, and child of Lorenzo Frederick Smith I & Christina Agatha Sunifrank Smith
SmithJacobdied in infancy, son of Solomon Perry & Mary Ann Ritchie Smith
SmithNoah1830Infantchild of Henrich (Henry) Adam & Elizabeth Conrad Smith
SmithEmanuel18101880husband of Mary Elizabeth Shaver, and child of Lorenzo Frederick Smith I & Christina Agatha Sunifrank Smith
SmithSusanna18421848died at age 6 years, child of Emanuel & Mary Shaver Smith
SmithEvedied in infancy, daughter of Solomon Perry & Mary Ann Ritchie Smith
SmithElizabeth18511859died at age 8 years, child of Emanuel & Mary Shaver Smith
SmithLouisa18471858died at age 11 years, child of Emanuel & Mary Shaver Smith
Smith, IILorenzo Frederick28 Oct 20241 Aug 2024child of Emanuel & Mary Shaver Smith, and husband of Mary Catherine "Kettle" Dove
SmithCutlip Adam18361859died at age 23, child of George & Susannah "Susan" Hevener Smith
SmithSarah18341855child of Henrich (Henry) Adam & Elizabeth Conrad Smith
SmithMahala (Whetzel)2 Mar 202526 Sep 20241st wife of Jackson Smith, and child of George & Jemima Hevener Whetzel
NesselrodtMagdaline "Maude"18291880child of Frederick Nesselrodt II & Lydia Yankey Nesselrodt
TurnerNoah185517 Mar 2024died of diphteria at age 7, child of Magdaline "Maude" Nesselrodt & Thomas Marion Turner Sr.
TurnerWilliam Washington18581 Apr 2024died of diphteria, child of Magdaline "Maude" Nesselrodt & Thomas Marion Turner Sr.
SmithSusan Rebecca Jane (Turner)14 May 20241st wife of Joseph Adam "Joe Hog" Smith, and child of Magdaline "Maude" Nesselrodt & Thomas Marion Turner Sr.
SmithZachariah18461848died at age 2 years, child of Emanuel & Mary Shaver Smith