Rockingham County Virginia Tombstones by Cemetery

CemeteryNim Dove Cemetery
LocationCriders Area, Rockingham County, Virginia. Located on the Shenandoah Mountain above Criders, Virginia.
NotesCemetery records compiled by Shirley Cullers Miller using headstones, field/river rocks, papers of Warren Souder and Lewis Yankey, J. Robert Swank’s 1967 records, and through interviews with area residents. Notes from Shirley Cullers Miller: "Located on the late Nimrod Corsey "Nim" Dove farm. In 2002 this place is owned by Lois Rhodes and Richard Bell. Nim Dove is not buried here. Nimrod C. Dove is buried in the Cyrus Dove Cemetery on the Shenandoah Mountain, located 1/2 mile from the end of Bennetts Run Road at Bergton, Virginia. This cyrus Dove cemetery is on the farm of the late M. Clay Hinkle." J. Robert Swank wrote in 1967; "There are a number of others buried-unknown."
Survey Date and Recorder01 Dec 2024
Shirley Cullers Miller

Cemetery Index

Surname Index

Surnames are sorted by section / plot / row / grave - only sections and rows are shown

SectionRowSurnameGiven Name & MIBirth DateDeath DateHeadstone NotesRemarks
DoveArmedia Dorcus1872Died at a young age; child of Nimrod Corsey Dove & Amanda Hulvey
DoveSidney Albert5 May 2024Died young of TB; child of Nimrod Corsey Dove & Amanda Hulvey
HulveyAmanda Mauda15 Mar 20241897d/John Hulva (Hulvey) & Margaret Ritchie from Fulks Run, VA and wife of Nimrod Corsey Dove