Rockingham County Virginia Tombstones by Cemetery

CemeteryDaniel T. Ritchie Cemetery
LocationBergton Area, Rockingham County, Virginia. Located on top of the Shenandoah Mountain up Overly Hollow Road (Route 823) and on the Rev. Max Fisher's place.
NotesCemetery records compiled by Shirley Cullers Miller using headstones, field/river rocks, papers of Warren Souder and Lewis Yankey, J. Robert Swank’s 1967 records, and through interviews with area residents. Shirley Cullers Miller noted: "Known people buried in this cemetery. According to the size and rock tombstone markings there are other unknown people buried in this cemetery." J. Robert Swank recorded this cemetery as Overly Hollow Cemetery-two miles NW of Bergton in 1967 with unknown graves.
Survey Date and Recorder30 Sep 2024
Shirley Cullers Miller

Cemetery Index

Surname Index

Surnames are sorted by section / plot / row / grave - only sections and rows are shown

SectionRowSurnameGiven Name & MIBirth DateDeath DateHeadstone NotesRemarks
RitchieDavid C.16 May 202418 Nov 2024child of Daniel T. Ritchie & Clara Dove
RitchieWebsterdied young, child of Isaac E. Ritchie III & Delilah Lantz
Ritchie, IIIsaac1825child of Isaac Ritchie I & Catherine "Katie" Baker
RitchieMary Ann (Moyer)18288 Oct 2024child of George Moyer & Magdalene Showalter, and wife of Isaac Ritchie II
RitchieDaniel T.22 Apr 20241 Jan 2025child of Isaac Ritchie II & Mary Ann Moyer, and husband of Clara Dove
RitchieJohn Absolam11 Feb 20254 May 2024child of Isaac Ritchie II & Mary Ann Moyer
RitchieMary J.1860died in infancy, child of Isaac Ritchie II & Mary Ann Moyer
RitchieBenjamin H.1862died at age 9, child of Isaac Ritchie II & Mary Ann Moyer