Rockingham County Virginia Tombstones by Cemetery

CemeteryCorbin Snyder Cemetery
LocationBergton Area, Rockingham County, Virginia. Cemetery is located on a ridge to the left of the present day Elbert Dove house on Route 824 (Bennett Run Road).
NotesCemetery records compiled by Shirley Cullers Miller using headstones, field/river rocks, papers of Warren Souder and Lewis Yankey, J. Robert Swank’s 1967 records, and through interviews with area residents. Shirley Cullers Miller noted the following: "There has never been a written record of who is buried in the this cemetery. Some of the graves were marked with field/river rocks with no names or dates on them. I am including a list of the people that I have found during my research to be buried in this cemetery, for a record to be preserved." In 1967 J. Robert Swank noted: "Information by Mr. Ketterman. Number of others including children. Overgrown by woods."
Survey Date and Recorder2002
Shirley Cullers Miller

Cemetery Index

Surname Index

Surnames are sorted by section / plot / row / grave - only sections and rows are shown

SectionRowSurnameGiven Name & MIBirth DateDeath DateHeadstone NotesRemarks
SnyderCorbin Wilson23 Oct 20243 Jun 2024child of George & Elizabeth Snyder
NesselrodtJohn W.18781908child of Lydia Rebecca "Beck" Nesselrodt
NazelrodInfant Sonson of John & Annie Hulvey Nazelrod
NazelrodInfant Sonson of John & Annie Hulvey Nazelrod
NesselrodtInfant Daughter5 Jun 2024aged 2 months, child of Charles Franklin & Amanda Jane Snyder Nesselrodt
NesselrodtElizabeth Ann25 Oct 2024child of Magdaline "Maude" Nesselrodt
SmithInfant Daughter5 Jan 20255 Jan 2025child of John David & Mary Ann Wratchford Smith
NesselrodtRebecca, Mrs.Recorded by J. Robert Swank in 1967-information by Mr. Ketterman
SnyderJohnny19031904child of Lydia Margaret Snyder
NesselrodtMyrtledied at age 18 of diphtheria, child of Josiah Franklin "Frank" & Hannah B. Crider Nesselrodt
Smith, IIHenry Adam18441880child of Henry Adam (Henrich) & Elizabeth Conrad Smith
CorbinMargaretRecorded by J. Robert Swank in 1967-information by Mr. Ketterman
BareGeneva Virginiainfant child of Bernie Elmer & Bessie Florence Nesselrodt Bare. Geneva was the last burial to be held in the Corbin Snyder Cemetery. 11/17/2004 email from Chester Benson ( notes Geneva Virginia Bare's parents were Bernie Elmer Bare & Bessie Florence Nazelrod. Some families used the spelling Nazelrod & others Nesselrodt.
SnyderHerbertdied in infancy, child of Lydia Margaret Snyder
CaplingerWilbertBuried here - infant, s/Charles & Cynthia (Nazelrod) Caplinger - all information provided by Glenn Chester Benson, 21 Nov 2004.
SmithJulia Ann10 Aug 2024after Mar 1921child of Henry Adam (Henrich) Smith & Elizabeth Conrad Smith, and 2nd wife of Corbin Wilson Snyder
SnyderInfantchild of Corbin W. & Julia Ann Smith Snyder
SnyderInfantchild of Corbin W. & Julia Ann Smith Snyder
SnyderCatherine E.1868child of Corbin W. & Julia Ann Smith Snyder
SnyderErasmus Jacob "Raz"18751896child of Corbin W. & Julia Ann Smith Snyder, and 1st husband of Etta Hetti "Sis" Smith
SnyderCaroline1832sister of Corbin W. Snyder
SmithElizabeth (Conrad)1802after 1880wife of Henry Adam (Henrich) Smith, and child of Jacob Conrad
CaplingerJames HarveyBuried here - age 2 weeks, s/Charles & Cynthia (Nazelrod) Caplinger - all information provided by Glenn Chester Benson, 21 Nov 2004.
CaplingeerAlbertBuried here - infant, s/Charles & Cynthia (Nazelrod) Caplinger - all information provided by Glenn Chester Benson, 21 Nov 2004.
CaplingerJacobBuried here - infant, s/Charles & Cynthia (Nazelrod) Caplinger - all information provided by Glenn Chester Benson, 21 Nov 2004.
CaplingerAqualyBuried here - infant, ch/Charles & Cynthia (Nazelrod) Caplinger - all information provided by Glenn Chester Benson, 21 Nov 2004.
SmithHenry Adam (Henrich)15 Feb 20256 Jan 2025child of Lorenzo Frederick Smith I & Christina Agatha Sunifrank Smith