Rockingham County Virginia Tombstones by Cemetery

CemeterySpitzer Family Cemetery
LocationMayland area, Rockingham County, Virginia. From Harrisonburg, Virginia, take Route 11 North to Mauzy stoplight. Turn left on Route 259 (Mayland Road) and go 2.3 miles, then turn left onto Route 619 (Phillips Store Road). Go about 1.1 mile to a two story house on left (old William Spitzer's house) and get permission to visit cemetery, which is in a field behind the house.
NotesCemetery has iron fence around it. In 1967 J. Robert Swank noted, "There is space for other unmarked graves."
Survey Date and Recorder26 Jul 2024
Wanda Kennedy

Cemetery Index

Surname Index

Surnames are sorted by section / plot / row / grave - only sections and rows are shown

SectionRowSurnameGiven Name & MIBirth DateDeath DateHeadstone NotesRemarks
SpitzerWilliam3 May 202414 Apr 2024Aged 67y 11m 11d
SpitzerSarah Lucretia13 Nov 20243 Apr 2024Aged 77y 4m 20d; w/Wm.
SpitzerLaura Lee24 Sep 2024Aged 2y 10m 16d; d/Joseph & Rebecca
SpitzerIda Bell3 Nov 202424 Mar 2024Aged 3y 6m 21d; d/Wm. H. & Lucretia
S.L. L.Marker with initials only-recorded 2003
SpitzerCauseNo visible marker-no dates-recorded by Swank in 1967; s/W. & S. L.
SpitzerBettieNo visible marker-no dates-recorded by Swank in 1967; w/Cause
SpitzerSaylorNo visible marker-no dates-recorded by Swank in 1967; s/Cause & Bettie
SpitzerInfantNo visible marker-no dates-recorded by Swank in 1967; child/Berlin
SpitzerJacobNo visible marker, recorded by Swank in 1967-thought buried here
SpitzerJacob, Mrs.No visible marker, recorded by Swank in 1967-thought buried here
SpitzerLess/JacobNo visible marker, recorded by Swank in 1967-thought buried here
SpitzerHattied/JacobNo visible marker, recorded by Swank in 1967-thought buried here