Rockingham County Virginia Tombstones by Cemetery

CemeteryFlook Armentrout Cemetery
LocationEast of Lacey Spring, Rockingham County, Virginia. From Harrisonburg, Virginia, take Route 11 North to Route 806 (Martz Road) and turn right. Go to Route 717 (Indian Trail Road) and turn right. Go to Route 934 (Henton Mill Road) and turn left. At the end of Route 934 on the left side is a knoll in the field where cemetery is located.
NotesCemetery has no fence nor is it maintained. In the 1960s the Daughters of the American Revolution wrote "An old abandoned cemetery northeast of Harrisonburg. Property owned by Flook Armentrout."
Survey Date and Recorder17 Apr 2024
Bennie Getz, Walter Mason, Bob & Lois Emswiler

Cemetery Index

Surname Index

Surnames are sorted by section / plot / row / grave - only sections and rows are shown

SectionRowSurnameGiven Name & MIBirth DateDeath DateHeadstone NotesRemarks
HintonPeterPeter Hinton footstone marked P.H,
HintonPolly31 Aug 20247 Aug 2024Consort of Peter
ToliverMary Ann7 Feb 2025Aged 29y 6dNo visible marker-recorded by DAR in 1960s