Rockingham County Virginia Tombstones by Cemetery

CemeterySouder Family Cemetery
LocationBergton area, Rockingham County, Virginia. The cemetery is on Route 820 (Crab Run Road), across creek from old mill, north of Bergton. It is along the side of the ridge between two big sassafrass trees.
NotesBurials noted in this cemetery were taken from Patricia Turner Ritchie's recordings of "Old Family Cemeteries at Fulks Run, Virginia."
Survey Date and Recorder1999
Patricia Turner Ritchie

Cemetery Index

Surname Index

Surnames are sorted by section / plot / row / grave - only sections and rows are shown

SectionRowSurnameGiven Name & MIBirth DateDeath DateHeadstone NotesRemarks
Souder, Sr.Philip178710 Mar 2024Once had wooden tomb board to mark he grave which has since rotted away
SouderEve Funk178615 Nov 2024d/John & Eve Fulk; once had wooden tomb board to mark her grave which has since rotted away
Souder, Jr.Philip23 Aug 202421 Jan 2025s/Philp Souder Sr. & Eve Fulk Souder
SouderAmanda Mongold184211 Jan 20251st wife/Philip Souder Jr.
SouderSon9 Jan 20259 Jan 2025s/P. Souder Jr.
SouderHannah A. Mathias184119202nd wife/Philip Souder Jr.
UnknownOthers, unknown, are buried here