Rockingham County Virginia Tombstones by Cemetery

CemeteryNangus (Vernangus) Shifflett Family Cemetery
LocationSkyline Drive, travel east on Route 33 through Elkton and park at roadside opposite entrance to Skyline Drive. Walk up south bank to old road (Spotswood Trail), which is overgrown for its entire length. Walk downhill (west) about 1/2 mile. Fenced cemetery on right at top of road bank. Opening at southeast corner; gate is gone.
NotesNotes in "Remarks" column were provided by Lois B. Bowman. In 2002 Ms. Bowman noted: "In Shenandoah National Park listing, this was called the "Nanges (Angie) Shifflett Cemetery. I believe the locals told them 'Nanges Shifflett' and they didn't know how to interpret it. Evidently named for Vernangus Shifflett, who first married Newton Shifflett, had Shifflett children, was widowed, then married David M. Lamb on July 23, 1868, in Greene County, VA., no further children." The Shenandoah National Parks records show there are about 8 to 25 burials here.
Survey Date and Recorder14 Mar 2024
Lois B. Bowman

Cemetery Index

Surname Index

Surnames are sorted by section / plot / row / grave - only sections and rows are shown

SectionRowSurnameGiven Name & MIBirth DateDeath DateHeadstone NotesRemarks
001LamVernangus A.1 Jan 202526 Nov 2024We have lost our darling mother1st marriage-Newton Shifflett, 2nd marriage-David Lamb
001UnknownFieldstone, no inscription
001UnknownFieldstone, no inscription
002ShifflettMyrtle L.24 Feb 202522 Dec 2024
002UnknownFieldstone, no inscription; small grave evidently baby
002ShifletSalena V.10 Aug 20245 Oct 2024Fieldstone; granddaughter of Vernangus
002UnknownFieldstone, no inscription; small grave evidently baby
002UnknownFieldstone, no inscription; in front of tree