Rockingham County Virginia Tombstones by Cemetery

CemeteryFitzwater Cemetery
LocationFulks Run area, Rockingham County, Virginia. From Fulks Run Grocery, go west on Hwy 259. About 1 mile from the brick Riverside United Methodist church, there is a low-water concrete bridge on the left leading to Ed Carter's home. Turn onto the bridge and drive to the house. As you face the front of the house, the cemetery is on the right across a small creek bed and in the trees. There are only rocks marking the graves and they are very difficult to see.
NotesFollowing are notes recorded by Patricia Turner Ritchie: An old family plot is located on the Albrite homeplace. The Albrite daughters who grew up here, Nellie Albrite & Dorcas Albrite Whetzel, said they were told that "old Fitzwaters" were buried here. A check of the property deeds did show that it had been owned by James Fitzwater and his wife Sarah Chrisman Fitzwater, and before that it was owned by his father William Fitzwater who married Elizabeth Draise. In 1966 there were at least 8 graves marked by sunken places or by river rocks. There were no bought tombstones and no carving on the river rocks. The creek has washed along side the cemetery and possible some stones have been washed away. In 1985 the trees had grown up in the cemetery, and the graves were difficult to find. Large hills of fire ants also prevented us from doing a careful check. More information about the Fitzwater family is available in "Fitzwater Families in America" by Katheryn Fitzwater Devine, a descendant of James W. Fitzwater, and in "Descendants of Thomas Fitzwater and Mary Cheney" by Mary Cole. All notes in the "Remarks" column were furnished by Ms. Ritchie. (Note: This cemetery was not recorded by J. Robert Swank in 1967.)
Survey Date and Recorder2000
Patricia Turner Ritchie

Cemetery Index

Surname Index

Surnames are sorted by section / plot / row / grave - only sections and rows are shown

SectionRowSurnameGiven Name & MIBirth DateDeath DateHeadstone NotesRemarks
FitzwaterJames Washington1807Mar 1873Nellie Albrite & Dorcas Albrite Whetzel said they were told that "old Fitzwaters" were buried here. s/William & Elizabeth Draise Fitzwater; In a Chancery court case, his son states that James died in March about a year after his wife.
FitzwaterSarah ChrismanDec 18122 Feb 2025Nellie Albrite & Dorcas Albrite Whetzel said they were told that "old Fitzwaters" were buried here. d/Jacob A. & Nancy Chrisman of Hardy Co., WV.
FitzwaterWilliamabout 1779about 1863Nellie Albrite & Dorcas Albrite Whetzel said they were told that "old Fitzwaters" were buried here. s/William Fitzwater; In 2000 descendants placed a military stone in the cemetery to the memory of William Fitzwater, veteran of the War of 1812.
FitzwaterElizabeth Draiseabout 1780before 1850Nellie Albrite & Dorcas Albrite Whetzel said they were told that "old Fitzwaters" were buried here. born in Hardy Co. and died in Rockingham Co.; d/Jacob & Magdalene Draise