Rockingham County Virginia Tombstones by Cemetery

CemeteryArrey - Fridley Family Cemetery
LocationFridley's Gap, Rockingham County, Virginia. Located off Route 620 by Route 722 and Route 868 in Fridley's Gap on the Camp Overlook (E.U.B. Church) campground.
NotesIn the 1960's the DAR noted "Indication of many graves, space enclosed very large." In 1982 Mary Marie Koontz Arrington's book "Mountain Valley People", she notes: this is also a very old cemetery and probably contained more than the marked graves found. The oldest date is 1830 and it is probable more people would have been buried before the next date of 1857. Perry Reid related to me once that "this cemetery had been a large one."
Survey Date and Recorder1979
Mary Marie Koontz Arrington

Cemetery Index

Surname Index

Surnames are sorted by section / plot / row / grave - only sections and rows are shown

SectionRowSurnameGiven Name & MIBirth DateDeath DateHeadstone NotesRemarks
ArreyMadison10 Jan 2025Aged 73 yrs
ArreyCharles A.19 Jul 202417 Sep 2024Aged 11y 1m 28d
ArreySintha F.28 Oct 202417 Sep 2024Aged 5y 10m 27dOn same stone with Charles A.
ArreyLinna C.15 Apr 20243 Nov 2024Aged 1y 6m 28d
FridleyE.__ Nov 1830Old limestone marker
FridleyY.19 May 2024No visible marker - old limestone recorded by DAR in 1960s
A.C.A.No visible marker - footstone recorded by DAR in 1960s
A.S.F.No visible marker - footstone recorded by DAR in 1960s
A.M.No visible marker - footstone recorded by DAR in 1960s
A.L.C.No visible marker - footstone recorded by DAR in 1960s