Item 1 Subject: Valley Hardware Company, Etc.
Item 2 Present Owners: Valley Hardware Company, April 11, 2024
Item 3 Location: southwest Corner of Main and Elizabeth Streets.
Item 4 Date Built: Can not be established; said to have been the first location of the old
Rockingham Register.
Item 5 Names of Original to Present day owners:
a. Thomas Harrison Harrison, part of 1290 acre inclusive patent, 1773.
b. Samuel Henry, from ..
c. Peter Henneberger from Samuel Henry, May 2, 1822, record burnt.
d. Samuel Shacklett from Peter Henneberger Apl. 22, 1867, $1,000.D.B.2,p,192.
e. Henry Shacklett from father
f. Trustees of Union Lodge No.27 Free and accepted order of Masons, Dec. 7,
1892, $2,000. D.B.45,p.
g. Herman Miller etc, from Union Lodge No. 27, Feby. 24, 1904,
h. Valley Hardware Company, Present Owners, $3,500. April 11, 1904,from
Herman Miller, etc. D.B.72,p,398.
Item 6 Description: Can not be given
Item 7 Historical:
The object in view in writing this property, was to establish if possible, the fact of the original house on this location being the first home of the old Rockingham Register. This I have not been able to verify from the Records, since so many that might throw light on the subject were burned in 1864.
Mrs. Maria Graham Carr in her "My recollections etc "1817-1820" speaks of the old building on this corner as being "a large log house. The first newspaper in Harrisonburg was printed in this building, on the second floor, in the south end etc." It is possible that the first home of the Register may have been in this old building, the information I am able to get from interview of some of the older people makes it seem doubtful. I would like to establish if it were possible, the first home of the old Register.
Item 8 Sources of Information:
Court Records; Mrs. Maria Graham Carr; Interviews.
May 5, 1937.