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  2. Tombstone Inscriptions from various states owned by W. A Byerly.

  4. Bridgewater, Virginia

  5. DATE:
  6. OWNERS:
  7. W. A. Byerly, Bridgewater, Virginia.


    Sacred to the memory of

    "Jered Bates" who died Aug. 6, 1800

    His widow age 24 lives at 7 Elm St.

    Has every qualification for a good wife,

    And years to be comforted.

    "Here lies the body of Susan Lowder,

    who burst, whild drinking Sedlitz powder,

    Called from this world to her Heavenly rest

    She could have waited till it effervesced"


    In Memory of Mrs. Alpha White

    Weight 309 lbs.

    "Open Wide ye golden gates

    that leads to the Heavenly shore

    Our father suffered in passing through

    And Mother weighs much more"

    "Beneath this stone a lump of clay,

    Lied Arrabella Young who on the first of May 1771

    Began to hold her tongue

    Amos Shute (1789-1842)

    He heard the Angels calling him

    From the Celestial Shore

    He flopped his wings and away he went,

    To make one angel more.

    "Sarah Shute" 1803-1840

    "Here lies cut down like ripe fruit,

    The wife of deacon, Amos Shute,

    She died of drinking too much coffee,

    Anna Downing eighteen forty"


    Tombstone Inscriptions

    Page 2

    Sacred to the Memory of

    Elisha Philbrook and his wife Sarah,

    "Beneath these stones do lie,

    Back to back my wife and I,

    When the last trumpet the air shall fill,

    If she gets up I’ll lie still.

    In Memory of Mr. Peter Daniels

    Born Aug 7, 1688—Died May 20, 2024

    Beneath this stone a lump of clay,

    Lied Uncle Peter Daniels,

    Who too early in the month of May,

    Took off his winter flannels"

    In Memory of

    Betsy Fitzuch

    "My wife lies here and I am glad of it".

    In Memory of Anna Hopewell,

    Here lies the body of Anna

    Done to death by a banana,

    It was’nt the fruit that laid her low,

    But the skin of the thing that made her go.

    Thomas Mulaney 1724-1775

    Old Thomas Mulaney lies here

    His mouth ran from ear to ear

    Reader tread lightly on this wonder

    For if he yawns you’re gone to thunder.

    Here lies

    Sydney Snyder 1803-1833

    "The wedding day decided was

    The wedding wine provided,

    But ere the day did come along

    He douch it up and died it

    Ah Sydney! Ah Sydney!

  11. ART:

October 6, 1937 W.A. Beyerly

Bridgewater, Virginia