The "Joe" Dinkle Home.
South side Main Street, end of Bridgewater, Virginia.
About 1825.
"Joe" Dinkle.
Mrs. Lang.
In early days this house was an "early house". It was partly log but now is modernized and is stuccoed.
See form 3686—attached.
The house is said to have been built by Joe Dinkle a descendant of the first Dinkle (or Tinkle) family in the country.
It was owned and operated by a Mrs. Lang after the close of the War Between the States.
Informants: Mr. C.E. Richcreek, Bridgewater, Virginia.
Mr. John Furry, Bridgewater, Virginia.
W.A. Byerly, Bridgewater, Virginia.
April 17, 1937 W.A. Byerly
Bridgewater, VA