The Hover Home.
West Side of South Main Street, Bridgewater, VA.
About 1820.
________Hoover was the original owner and builder.
John Whitmer’s widow.
D.G. Witmore, Mrs. Whitmer’s son. (spelling of name changed)
D.B. Allen, present owner, who has remodeled and repaired the home.
See form 3686, attached.
The original Hoover was drowned in North River, one mile east of his home, while fishing with a dip net.
The Whitmore heirs are Miss Nellie Whitmore and Mrs. Rex Hoover.
Informants: Miss Nellie Whitmore and Mrs. Rex Hoover.
Court Records of Rockingham County, at Harrisonburg, VA.
March 9, 1937 B.E. Byerly
Bridgewater, VA.