St. Michael’s German Reform Church.
About 3 ½ miles southwest of Bridgewater, Virginia, on or near the Milnesville road, but off the highway.
Approximately 1800.
The German Reform Congregation.
See form #2686, attached.
This church was organized in the early 1800’s, exact date not obtainable, and was the second oldest German Reform Church in this part of Virginia, the Valley.
Gossip says that its first "Sky Pilot" was old "Daddy Benson", with his old gray mare and sheep skin lined saddle, who was paid for his preaching with the products of the farm, also good homemade Apple Jack. The apple brandy story first true, from a very early printed history of Virginia.
Court Records, Rockingham County, at Harrisonburg, VA.
September 28, 1937 W.A. Byerly
Bridgewater, VA