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  2. Paul Home.

  4. Six miles west of Dayton, Virginia, at what is known as Ottobine, Virginia.

  5. DATE:
  6. About 1834.

  7. OWNERS:
  8. About 1775 a grant to Captain Peter Paul from King George the 2nd. About 1887 it went to his son, Abraham Paul, January 1937, to his nephew Captain John Paul, present owner.

  10. This house is built of common brick in a T shape and has eight large rooms. There are mantels in six rooms, and three brick chimneys. The woodwork is plain and painted and pine. The present condition is fair. It has been remodeled somewhat, not enough to destroy its original appearance. The hardware is iron. All of the doors have iron hinges and locks. The windows are very large. There is a transom and sidelights at the front entrance door. The ceilings are very high, being fourteen feet. The roof is of metal.

  12. English immigrants who constitute a very small minority of pioneer settlers came through the Blue Ridge passes and established homes along the Shenandoah River. Their descendants today can be recognized by their easy English accent in conversation. The majority of our first inhabitants came later with the German migration, following the close of the French and Indian War. These pioneers followed the streams along Linville Creek and North Mountain Valley to their sources and southward until they met the English and scotch settlers in Augusta County.

    Names of land owners are designated in various ways, viz.: Wittigs, Store, Shoemaker River, Cootes Store, Brocks Creek, Hollar Post Office, Hopkins Gap, Turley Tavern, Fulks Run, Chrisman Post Office and many other historical points of lesser note.

    Peter Paul was one of these settlers and located at Ottobine and this grant came from the early Colonial Governors and King George the II. Captain Peter Paul trained soldiers at this place during the War Between the States. From this generation and born on this estate we have had two United States Judges, Captain John Paul the 1st and Captain John Paul the 2nd, who is now Judge of the 7th Congressional District. Abraham Paul, his uncle and owner of this estate, died at this home on January 19, 1937.

  13. ART:

Informants: Abraham Paul (now deceased)

Captain John Paul, Harrisonburg, Virginia.

W.O. Mowbray, Historian and old teacher.

Singers Glenn, Virginia.

Rockingham County Court Records, Harrisonburg, Virginia.



February 17, 1937 Miles E. Snyder

Harrisonburg, VA