Newman Home and Grave.
On Spring Creek road, ¾ mile west of Spring Creek, near Iron Bridge, on North River.
No exact dates, but Newman, first settler, lived there and raised a family and is now dead over one hundred years.
Property owned by Blakemore family for many years, then the Kess family, then in litigation for several years, and now owned by the Rev. Counts, of Spring Creek, Virginia.
See form 3886, attached.
Mr. Spitler, a neighbor.
Rockingham County Court Records, Harrisonburg, Virginia.
This grave is located by the roadside, in an open field, near the fence and ½ mile northeast of the house. The grave is covered by a very heavy sandstone slab about three and ½ by eight feet and nearly one foot thick, with the shape of a coffin carved in the top of the stone, but no name, date or inscription of any kind, so all I got was the authentic hearsay evidence that Newman had been buried there more than one hundred years.
October 15, 1937 W.A. Byerly
Bridgewater, VA