M.E. Church.
North side Main Street, Bridgewater, Virginia.
About 1835-40.
Original owners and donors of the land were "Jake" and Bill Dinkle who deeded the land for Church purposes. Later this Church was exchanged for a Church location elsewhere in the town.
See Form #3686 attached.
This is one of the early buildings of the town and was substantially built. It has a tall tower or cupola, which has been remodeled. The tower is topped with a small belfry, which contains the original Church bell. It is not a large bell, but has a wonderful tone and was used for many years as a town fire alarm bell. It antedated the fire siren.
Informant: Mr. W.A. Byerly, Bridgewater, Virginia.
Rockingham County Court Records.
June 26, 1936 W.A. Byerly
Bridgewater, VA