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Lyle M. Armentrout Home, known as the Noah W. Beery Home.


Five miles Northwest of Harrisonburg, Virginia, on the east side of Edom-Linville road, route #260, not far

from the village of Edom, Virginia.

  1. DATE:
  2. About 1837, house probably built by John K. Beery about this time.

  3. OWNERS:
  4. Burnt Records, first owners obscured.

    John K. Beery………

    Noah W. Beery from John K. Beery, various conveyances, 1865, $17,427.

    Walter N. Deputy from Noah W. Beery, March 15, 1917. 28,800.192 acres, plus Deed Book 107, Page 249.

    Robert H. Swank from Walter N. Deputy, January 10, 1918, $30,480; 217.1 acres, Deep Book 109, page 249.

    Walter N. Deputy from Ward Swank, Executor, July 31, 1926, $29,308.50 for 217.1 acre, Deed Book 136, page 517.

    Lyle M. Armentrout, present owner, from Walter N. Deputy, April 30, 1936. $19,000; 217.1 acres, Deed Book 164, page 482.

  6. "L" SHAPE BRICK, FLEMISH BOND. See form #3686, attached.

  8. Noah W. Beery, eldest son of John K. Beery, grandson of John Beery and great grandson of Abraham Beery. The Beerys came into the Valley of Virginia from Adams County, Pennsylvania, sometime in the 1770’s, possibly a little earlier or maybe a little later. Abraham and Nicholas were the first to come to the Valley. Nicholas later migrated to Fairfield County, Ohio, and Abraham became the progenitor of the family in the Valley.

    They had emigrated to America from Switzerland via Holland, on account of religious persecution, being Mennonites, through many of the family became attached to other denominations in later years. They have always been a plain people, plain spoken, industrious and hard working, upright in their dealings, and in the course of the years, accumulating large properties. In most instances, especially with the earlier members of the family, they have been tillers of the soil and considered good farmers, though many of the family have devoted their energies to other vocations, filling many responsible places in the ministry, in medicine, in law and various professions, and in may parts of the country.

    John K. Beery, was born near Edom, Rockingham County, Virginia, June 4th, 1801, and died October 11, 1885. He married Maddalana Wenger, born near Edom, Virginia, November 6, 2024 and died April 12, 1876.

    Mr. Beery was a man of robust constitution and like many of his descendents started in business at a time, which could be termed the close of the pioneer life in the forests of Rockingham County. E engaged in farming and in other business pursuits, was very energetic in business and while suffered some severe losses, accumulated quite an amount of property. He was positive in his convictions and when once a question was settled in his own mind, it was well nigh impossible to change his opinion.





    Lyle M. Armentrout Home

    Page 2

    Noah W. Beery, eldest son of John K. Beery, was born near Edom, Virginia, August 31, 1831, and married Catharine V. Neff of Shenandoah County, October 2, 1860. Like his father he too engaged in farming, but had also other interests, seems to have engaged in some extent in law. He owned and occupied the home

    forming a part of this write-up, coming into possession of it in 1865. He was a Dunker Brethren in his religious affiliations. He was a man of shrewd and intelligent business sense, was a factor in his community in a business way, doing much for others in a legal business way.

    The Beery farms are among the best of quite a number in the Linville community, being in one of the richest parts of Rockingham County. They were taken from the forests and to blossom as the rose. It is a delight to the eye and an inspiration to the soul to ride through the Linville District bringing one in closer touch with the Infinite, the Great and Architect of all. How fine it is to come close to nature realizing its quiet and silent beauty.

  9. ART:
  10. Photograph


Court Records, Rockingham County, Harrisonburg, Virginia

Partly from the Beery Genealogy.


















September 11, 1937 Geo. W. Fetzer

Harrisonburg, VA