5A. Of BULLETIN 3400
Name of Building________JOHN LANDES HOME___________________________________________________________
1. Building Plan____________________________"L"_______________________________________________Cellar ( )
2. No. of stories: ( 2 )
3. Material: Brick ( X ) Frame ( ) Stone ( ) Log ( )
4. If brick, state what bond: Flemish ( ) English ( ) Common ( X ) Other ( )
5. Kind of roof: Hip ( ) Gabled ( X ) Gambrel ( ) Lean-to ( ) Deck ( )
6. If church, describe or draw sketch of roof on reverse side.
7. Roof Material: Slate ( ) Shingle ( ) Metal ( X) Tile ( )
8. Chimney: Number ( ) Brick ( X) Stone ( ) Location_each end & rear.__
9. Weatherboarding:_______________________________ Beaded ( ) Plain ( )
10. Cornices: Plain or Elaborate_________plain_________________Material_______________________________
11. Windows: Number (12 ) Size and number of panes 12 panes 12" X 18"_______________
12. Shutters: Describe:_________none now____________________________________________________
13. Dormers: Number, and Shape of roof_________________________________________________________
14. Porch: ______________4 columns and a slanting roof______________________________________________________
15. Type of Entrance:_______glass front door with side lights and a transom______________________________________
16. Columns: ( 4 ) Doric (X) Ionic ( ) Corinthian ( ) Square ( )
17. No. of Rooms: ( 8 ) Large ( X ) Small ( ) Approximate ceiling height__9 feet___________
18. Stairway: Open String ( X ) Closed String ( ) Describe: _flat rail, two flights to second floor hall, square
balusters and newels.
19. Cellar: Describe____________under the "L" part.--concrete floor.__________________________________________
20. Doors: Style and type of wood_____________4 paneled___________________________________________________
21. Walls: Paneled, papered or painted _____lower rooms paneled to chair rail_____________________________________
22. Interior Cornices____________________________________________________________________________________
23. Hardware: Locks and hinges____________knob locks; common door hinges___________________________________
24. Floors: ______________boards 6" to 8" wide and 1 ¼" thick________________________________________________
25. Mantels:______________plain over 5 fireplaces___________________________________________________________
26. Misc.:_____________________________________________________________________________________________
27: Present condition, and state if spoiled architecturally by remodeling________first class condition___________________
28. Does occupant seem to appreciate old architectural features?_________________________________________________
Your Name_______George W. Fetzer____________________