Hershberger Home.
1 ½ miles southeast of Bridgewater, on North River.
About 1825.
The original owner and builder was either a Koogler or a Hershberger, dates of possession unknown.
See form 3686, attached.
My information is that this home is part of a large original grant of land to a Koogler family, whose ancestry I have been unable to trace, and the present owner, Aldine Koogler, says the ancestry is very early Virginia history, beyond his knowledge or memory, yet he is a direct descendant. I have reported finding a few Koogler markers piled up in an open field on an adjoining farm, with death dates 1797, which are supposed to be some of the original family, but I find no other authentic information on this manner.
Rockingham County Court Records, Harrisonburg, VA.
March 18, 1937 W.A. Byerly
Bridgewater, VA