Hershberger-Wynant Graveyard.
1 ˝ MILES EAST OF Bridgewater, Virginia, on North River.
1824, date of oldest marker.
Aldine Kooler, present owner.
This is a private cemetery enclosed by a stone wall, with no gate entrance, with board steps—not rotted away—over the wall. This cemetery is full and long since abandoned. The walls are in fair conditions.
Others died after 1860, and some epitaphs not legible. Others of the Hershberger family buried in an abandoned cemetery in Mt. Crawford, Virginia. Two and one-half miles east.
Informant: Aldine Kooler, owner of the Hershberger place.
Tombstone inscriptions.
Visit by worker.
Hershberger, Mary Young 5
Hershberger, Benjamine 6
Hershberger, Jacob 7
Hershberger, Anna Maria 8
Hershberger, Rebecca 9
Wynant, Jacob 1
Wynant, Annie 2
Wynant, Lydia 3
Wynant, Osgeola 4
February 6, 1937 W.A. Byerly
Bridgewater, VA