Frieden’s Church.
3 miles east of Rockingham, Virginia at the crossroads.
Lutheran and Reformed members.
This building is very plain, but substantially built. It is one story; brick house with a metal covered gabled roof, and brick chimney on each side. There are six windows and they have shutters. The front doors are the plain paneled type. It has only one room. The floors are of plain yellow pine. (The worker could not gain entrance to the church)
This church is one of the few originally built early churches remaining. It was organized about 1748 by Lutheran and Reform members, and owned jointly. Some of those who helped organize the church, were the Dinkles, Shanks, Wises, Huffmans, and others. The church building is in good repair at present.
Rockingham County Records of Early Churches.
Visit by worker.
June 4, 1937 W.A. Byerly
Bridgewater, VA