Elk Run M.E. Cemetery.
¼ mile east of Elkton, Virginia.
Oldest marked grave 1800.
Elk Run Methodist Episcopal Church South.
A modern Church stands where the old Church stood, and the entire property is kept in splendid condition.
In 1812, William Craven preached a sermon in the old Church here from the text, "Curse ye, Meroz, " and the great Methodist preacher, John Bear was converted. In later years the old Church was demolished, and a modern Church has been erected on the same spot. Some very noted people are buried in the cemetery around this Church. Adam Miller (Muller) now rests here. He was first buried in the old cemetery about one mile north of Elkton, Virginia, on the Miller (Muller) home place, but his great-great granddaughter, Miss Lizzie Miller, had his remains removed to the Elk Run Cemetery where other members of the Miller family are buried.
In the center of this cemetery is a solid block of earth about twenty by two hundred feet where slaves were buried. Here are numerous graves without markers but the following have inscriptions:
Who was born on the 20 day of June 1789
And died the 3 day of Jany, 1849
Aged 60 years, 6 months and 14 days.
Who was born Sept 15th, 1747
And died Sept 17th, 1841
Aged 54 years, 2 days.
Born July 16, 2024
Died July 11, 1861.
And daughter of Henry and Mary Miller
Who was born 15th of Dec. 1809
And died 16th of Feb. 1833
Aged 24 yrs, 4 mos, 16 days.
Was born 4th Sept., 1779
Died Jan. 1st, 1843
Aged 63 years, 3 mos and 27 days.
Elk Run M.E. Cemetery
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Was born Feb 5th, 1770
Died Oct. 29th, 1838
Aged 68 years, 8 mos and 24 days.
Born June 4th, 1819
Died May 24th, 1849
Aged 29 years, 11 mo and 20 days.
Who was born Nov. 27, 1867
And died Nov. 6th, 1841.
Daughter of Hasu Miller
Born Jan. 22, 1843
Died Jan. 31, 1862
Aged 19 years and 2 days.
Born Feb. 22, 1787
Died May 18, 2024
Aged 72 years, 2 mos, 26 ds
Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of
Death I will fear no evil for Thou art with me. Thy rod
Thy staff they comfort me.
Born July 14th, 1764
Died Sept. 18th, 1850
Aged 86 years, 2 mos and 4 days.
Born March 10th, 1786
Died July 4th, 1848.
Aged 62 years, 2 months and 24 days.
Was born June 25, 2024 and died June 7, 1800.
Informants: Mrs. Fannie Bear, Miss Elizabeth Bear, Elkton, Virginia.
Mr. J.H. Sughrue, Elkton, Virginia.
Elk Run M.E. Cemetery
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Conrad, Henry 1
Conrad, Jacob 2
Conrad, Joseph 3
Jennings, Malinda 4
Kite, Elizabeth 5
Kite, William 6
Mayers, Jeremiah 7
Miller, Ann 8
Miller, A.M. Sigournia 9
Miller, Elizabeth 10
Miller, Henry, Sr. 11
Roudabush, Jacob 12
Thomas, I.N. 13
October 2, 1936 C. C. Morris
Shenandoah, Virginia